Thursday, April 5, 2018

Book Review: Sandy Toes by Robin Jones Gunn

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Title: Sandy Toes

Author: Robin Jones Gunn

Series: Christy & Todd: The Baby Years #1

Genre: Contemporary

Audience: Adult


A new season begins for Christy and Todd with a pregnancy test and a disillusioning visit to the doctor.

As they try to catch their balance, Todd's job swerves in a new direction; Aunt Marti overdoes her self-assigned role of preparing for the family's addition-to-come; and Christy's parents face surprising changes that might take them back to Wisconsin.

Christy misses Katie more than ever, and just when she thinks life will slow down, Alissa's daughter, Shawna, comes to visit and brings all her preteen charmes and challenges with her.

A mixture of excitement and anxiety carries Christy through all the baby-bumps. Her hopes and dreams are as many as the grains of sand that cover her sandy toes after sunset walks on the beach with Todd. Christy knows that everything is about to change when she steps into one of the great mysteries of life - motherhood.

**4.5 stars**

Somewhere along the line of reading the nearly endless list of Robin Jones Gunn's books, two particular characters, named Christy and Todd, stole my heart. And now I become excited whenever I hear that a new book is coming out about them ... and the fangirl in me gets all super happy when I actually start reading the book! Sandy Toes proved to be no exception. Book one in the series, CHRISTY & TODD: THE BABY YEARS, the continuing story of these characters delighted me all over again.

I simply loved seeing them in this season of life. Christy and Todd are expecting their first child! I adored watching Christy grow in her marriage and learn more of what it means to be a wife - particularly, Todd's wife - and also stepping into motherhood and preparing to welcome her own baby into the world!
It was lovely to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Marti and Christy's parents, as always. We also got glimpses or mentions of all the friends: Doug, Tracy, Katie, Sierra, Alissa, etc. ... *hugs them*
It was super cool to see Todd and Christy ministering to teens and young adults! They teach, and connect, and host, and hang out, and organize surfing days. It's such a beautiful ministry they do as a couple. ^_^

The themes in this book: marriage, parenthood, ministering to youth, reconnecting with old friends, God's mysterious timing and ways ... were the best. I was encouraged and inspired, just as I was with CHRISTY & TODD: THE MARRIED YEARS.

The writing style suddenly stood out to me in this book, being I noticed it was a little different than most writing styles I read. I don't prefer it as much, so that's probably why this book didn't quite reach five stars. But other than that, a fabulous read! 

So yes. I loved it! *happiness and heart eyes* I love Christy and Todd as a married couple. I love watching them grow and go through different seasons of life. I just love these books! I can hardly wait to read the next two in the series, Salty Kisses and Sunset Lullaby.


  1. I LOVE this one! Its a favorite, so sweet! *grins* Lovely review:D

    1. And thanks for mentioning my blog!!

    2. Yes, it is! ^_^ Thank you, Victoria. And you're welcome! :D
