Monday, March 26, 2018

Presenting: The Schedule

Hello, dear readers! As I've been mentioning here and there on my blogs, I have taken on some new projects. So. I decided it's time for me to make myself a schedule. I'm excited, actually. I think this is going to help me out.

Because, let's be honest, I'm a very organized person at heart, and without a schedule, I find myself getting overwhelmed by the simplest of tasks ...

Brain: "It's been two days and you still haven't replied to that comment on your blog. That comment encouraged you tremendously. Why have't you replied yet? It's irresponsible and rude. Seriously, go reply. It's just one comment."

Heart: "What if your friends are hurt by your lack of response? What if they think you're ignoring them? What if you're making them think their comments really don't mean much when they actually do??!!"

Me: *gasps* *sighs* *frets* *feels overwhelmed* *feels burned out on writing* *freaks out* "That's it!" *slams laptop shut* *bolts from the room* "I can't do this! It's too much! It's just ... TOO MUCH!"

*ahem* Yep. That's hardly an exaggeration. I have, like, a million things on my mind all crying for my attention. They all don't need to be done in one day, but I feel I must give them all attention because ... what if I'm unable to tomorrow? So I worry about the millions of things and end up getting like none of them done that day.

Me: *accomplished none of my goals* "I'm just overwhelmed. Totally beat. I need to just breathe. Relax my brain or something. I can't deal with writing right now."

Maybe you're getting the picture? I overthink. I stress easily. I don't do well without order and schedules, apparently.

Thus, the schedule.

Take a look.

The Schedule (for my follower's knowledge):

  • Monday: New video on my Youtube/Booktube channel
  • Tuesday: New post on Lady Grace
  • Thursday: New post on Between the Pages of This Bookish Life
  • Saturday: New post on Lady Grace

Shantelle's Writing/Blogging/Youtube Schedule (more in depth):

Monday: Post scheduled video on Youtube + share about it on Between the Pages of This Bookish Life // Write post for Lady Grace

Tuesday: Scheduled post goes live on Lady Grace (reply to comments in the evening)

Wednesday: Write post for Between the Pages of This Bookish Life

Thursday: Scheduled post goes live on Between the Pages of This Bookish Life (reply to comments in the evening) // Write post for Lady Grace

Friday: Film video for Youtube/Booktube

Saturday: Scheduled post goes live on Lady Grace (reply to comments in evening) // Novel writing

Sunday: Novel writing

Now, the novel writing will really just happen when inspiration strikes. But my goal is to write once a week, and I figured quiet Sundays (the weeks where there's no family Bible study) might be the best. The weeks that there is Bible study, I'll perhaps write on Saturday.

Also, filming videos. That'll just happen whenever the house is quiet!! But I'm planning to post every Monday. (P.S. NEW VIDEO TODAY!) I hesitate to schedule much on Friday, because that is when I have young people over for Bible study.


Facebook Page: I generally just share my posts on here, and sometimes posts from other bloggers, giveaways, etc. Occasionally I post random little life stuff.

Twitter: I'm not really present on Twitter. Mostly I just quickly tweet the link to my blog posts/Youtube videos.

Goodreads: I adore this place! *all the heart eyes* I usually keep my friends on there up-to-date on what I'm reading and all that.

Pinterest: I go on here occasionally and save a quality-looking Christian movie to my Interested in Watching board, look up a recipe, or add a medieval-esque picture to my storyboards. Or share a link.

I used to go on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook much more often, but I'm doing my best to cut out any and all mindless scrolling on social media (because I'm bored, lonely, or anxious ...). I have better things to do! I believe God is calling me to a life of purpose! *smiles*


Anyway, so that's that! Hopefully I can stick to it and it'll work well and relatively stress-free even amid work, Bible studies, Bible study reading & homework throughout the week, book launches, "review books", family/friend time, and reading (of course!).
I'm thinking I need to cut back on the amount of books I agree to read in exchange for a review because I might just not have time/mental energy for that.

Do you all have schedules? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

(pictures found on


  1. I love your schedule! Best wishes for you on all that! <3

    I don't currently have much of a schedule, beyond every Monday having a post go up on my Road of a Writer blog... but it tends to depend when I write that. :P I really need to do something more schedule-oriented... because I'm EXACTLY the same as you with getting overwhelmed with too many things and not being able to pick one, and then not getting anything done, and feeling bad. Like, I think you just described ME right there?? Feeling such a connection here right now--even though it's on such an unfortunate thing! XD But I know EXACTLY how you feel, so... *HUGS* I hope your schedule will help you feel focused and less overwhelmed! I didn't know anyone else had this problem like I do, and I don't have an answer for it, but lots of hugs and support going your way! Thanks for sharing! ^_^ <3

    1. Thank you, Deborah! So far, it's working quite lovely. ;) My mind feels a little less crazy and stressed.

      Do you only post once a week on your blogs? I decided to basically post once a week on here, and I might go to posting once a week on Lady Grace in the future. Twice a week can be a little much sometimes.

      Ah, truly?? Well, I'm glad you know that I understand your struggle ... and it's nice to know someone else understands me! *HUGS* Have you done the personality tests? Supposedly getting overwhelmed by small tasks is a trait of people who identify with the INFJ personality.

      THANK YOU for your comments and sharing how you relate, my dear! For the encouragement and support! <333 I hope this post was an encouragement for you, and that you can find things that'll help you feel less overwhelmed and stressed! We are so much alike (like, yes, we REALLY need to meet in person someday! Too bad we didn't live near each other - we could be best friends!! *grins and hugs*).

    2. I usually post once a week on my main blog, and it varies on my book blog how often I post there, because sometimes I'll have two or even three posts in a week if I have a lot to post about/reviews to do, or sometimes I'll go a week or two without posting anything. Usually one or two a week, though, it seems. The Page Dreamer is supposed to be my "chill" blog where I post when I feel like it, while I try to be more scheduled with my original blog. :) So, in total, I usually have two or three posts a week, but that can vary depending on how busy I am. (Sorry, long answer. XD) Twice a week can definitely be a bit hard to manage, particularly with two blogs! I hope you find the right fit for you! Once a week on each blog is perfectly fine. :)

      I have taken the MBTI test, yes, and I seem to be sometimes INFJ, sometimes INFP, though I don't know how accurate those are for me since I don't totally fit. XD But yes, it's likely. :P

      I'm glad it's starting to help, and I hope it continues to! It does encourage me that mayyybe if I do something similar, I can beat this and manage to be more productive and less stressed. We'll see!

      It's so strange that realizing we're not the only one who has a particular struggle can make us feel less alone! *hugs back* We definitely are rather similar, and I hope we can meet someday! That would be the bessst! If you ever visit Texas, lemme know. ;)

    3. Ah yes. Definitely when it comes to reviews, it's easier to do lots of posts a week! Have you enjoyed having The Page Dreamer ... seeing as it's your "chill" blog and all? :) Sometimes I'd post up to three posts a week on this blog, I think. But I believe it'll work better for me if I just stick to a schedule - because then maybe I won't get burned out and not post in like forever! ;P So we'll see. I might start writing some posts for another blog (run by someone else) in the future, so then I'll for sure have to post only once a week on Lady Grace.

      Ah yes. I know another girl who sometimes gets INFJ and sometimes INFP, and I relate quite a bit with her, too! If I read extensively about the INFJ personality, I don't relate with everything. But there definitely are many things that I'm like, "Wow! That's exactly me." ;D

      Thank you, my dear! Ah, I hope so!! It's no fun being stressed and feeling down because you can't seem to get anything done. I hope you find something that works for you and feel more at rest! ^_^ I'll be praying for you! <33

      I know! :D It's kind of a wonderful thing, realizing you're not alone. :) I will definitely let you know! ;)) I've never visited Texas before, but one never knows where life will take them - I do have relatives there. =D Hehe. Have a blessed weekend, my friend! <3

    4. I have definitely enjoyed having The Page Dreamer. :) I'm not AS chill about it as I could be (like I usually post on Tuesdays, and if I have post ideas I usually try to fit them in/plan them ahead in my blog planner notebook) but I don't really worry if I've gone a week or two without posting, so that makes it a little less stressful. And, yes, like you said, sometimes doing a few posts close together is useful to catch up on reviews. XD

      Yeah, if I write posts ahead for my regular blog, I usually just save them for the next week... so that can be a handy way of doing things because, like you said, then you don't get burned out! Yep, if you start on another blog with someone, once a week for these two makes good sense. :)

      Thank you, dear! <3 Same to you! ^_^

    5. That's wonderful! (A blog planner notebooks sounds like a good idea!) That's nice that you can go a week or two without posting and not worry too much about it. Yep! Always gotta catch up on those book review posts, haha! :D

      Indeed! It always feels so good to have posts scheduled ahead when you're feeling busy or stressed.

      Thank you! <333

  2. I love how organized your schedule is! Best of luck with sticking to it! Currently I'm only putting one post out a week and it's tough keeping up with everything else, so I definitely hear you about the busyness and stress!

    1. Thanks, Hanne T.! :D I'm doing pretty good with it, except for I've been sick (and losing my voice and all) and haven't been able to get my Booktube video for this week! Eek! Hopefully I can film some videos soon.

      I might go to one post a week on my Lady Grace blog. Sometimes that just all you can do! 'Cause yes, busyness and stress! Best wishes to you and your blogging efforts! ^_^
