Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Youtube/Booktube Channel!

Hey, you all! So some of you may know that I started a Youtube channel back in January of 2016. I somewhat joined the Booktube community ... except I wasn't popular enough to really get "in" ... haha. ;p

Anyway, I recently started doing videos again after five or so months of no posting. Thus, I wanted to share my newest videos and ask you a few questions.

Such as:

- Do you enjoy Youtube videos? Booktube or Youtubers who talk about life and faith?

- Have you watched any of my videos? What kind of videos would you like to see from me? More books tags? Book hauls? Book reviews? Talks about my faith, convictions, things on my heart, and what I'm passionate about?

- Who are some of your favorite Christian Youtubers? ^_^

I'm contemplating getting more serious about my Youtube channel, converting some of my blog posts into videos and all that. Because Youtube is pretty popular and that might be the best way to get an audience. People would rather watch a 5-minute video than read some long blog post.

But we'll see. I'm thinking and praying about it. And, for now, I'll do my best to get videos out there about books ... which I love. *smiles*

On that note, would you like to watch my 2018 Bookshelf Tour? =)) If you watch it, comment down below and let me know what you think! Do you have some of the same books as me?

Like, Comment, and Subscribe, my friends! Haha! *winks and grins*

(And please excuse my awkward faces shown below. I'm not sure how to put a professional-looking thumbnail on there, ha.)

Latest Youtube Videos


Some of my favorite videos from my channel ... *smiles*


  1. YAY! So glad you're coming back to booktube, Shantelle! Welcome back. Tags, for me, are always so much fun. They're easy and allow me to keep new content on the booktube channel as well as my blog (because usually I split up answering the Qs between the two places). Of course, book hauls are ALWAYS fun too. I haven't ventured into book reviewing on booktube yet because I feel like I'd ramble too much - and not in a helpful way. ;)

    Hope you enjoy coming back and creating new videos.

    1. Thank you, Rissi!! :))

      I agree! I was just watching some fun bookish tags on Youtube and thinking, "These are perfect for my next videos!" :D That's a great idea to split it between Youtube and your blog. I should do that!

      Haha, I'm kinda of afraid that I'd ramble too much with book reviews too! But I might try it out, because I am part of a book launch for a book releasing in May, and I'm really excited about it. ^_^

      Thanks! I think I will! As long as I find times when the house is quiet. ;)

  2. I love your Youtube! When I see a new video it brightens up my day;)

    1. Awww ... *happiness* Thank you, Victoria! I just filmed a new video, which will hopefully be up on Monday! :)

  3. Hooray! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to share!
