Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blue Sky Tag

Hi, all! I was tagged by Grace @ True and Pure for the Blue Sky Tag! I really enjoy doing these ... so thank you, Grace! ^_^


The Rules:

Thank the person who tagged you
Answer the 11 questions
Tag 11 people
Give them 11 questions


1. What would you say is the hardest season that God has brought you through so far? Looking back, what did He teach you through that season?

I would say I had a pretty tough season of anxiety/fear and even depression. (I still struggle with anxiety, but I believe it's gotten better.) You can read about my personal journey HERE on Lady Grace.

Looking back, it's overwhelming to see that the moments I thought I was so very alone and that I either wasn't truly a Christian/or God didn't care about me, He was actually right there by my side.
On one of the worst, most fearful nights of my life, at 4 AM Pacific time I was certain I was abandoned. But at the same time, 6 AM Central time, in another state, my mom couldn't sleep and was awake praying for me.

When my mom told me that the next morning over the phone, I could have cried. I was shocked. And in that moment, I knew that I belonged to God - I was His child. Because He was looking out for me, even when I couldn't feel anything.
It reminds me of the poem, "Footprints in the Sand". Those times when we are so weak, and literally can't do anything, and think we're utterly alone ... our Heavenly Father is carrying us. *tears* What a beautiful, beautiful thing.

2. If you could only have three books with you on a desert island for the rest of your life, what would they be?

The Word of God first off, because I need His wisdom and to read of His love, holiness, and faithfulness! And heaven! ^_^ Then, perhaps, Waking Rose by Regina Doman, because it's such a lovely tome of fairy tale-ness, delight, suspense, and love. And, maybe Deliver by Tricia Mingerink, because it reminds me to be brave, trust God, and always hope! Also, it's a beautiful conclusion to a beloved series.

3. Do you prefer tea or coffee? And what kind (black or with cream and sugar, herbal tea, lattes, etc.)?

Tea. I drink some herbal teas, mostly for health purposes. But I do enjoy natural fruity teas, and, on occasion, lemon iced tea or unsweetened tea mixed with lemonade (from, say, Chick-fil-A!).
(from Pixabay.com)

4. What is one sermon/talk that you think every Christian should listen to?

The "To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain" series by Matt Chandler! Very inspiring. Both encouraging and challenging! Start a fire in my soul, Lord!

Understanding Grace by Joseph Solomon is also really good! A six/seven minute video filled with wisdom, humor, and depth. Makes you think.

5. What is one book that you think every Christian should read?

Besides the Bible, which is (should be!!) mandatory for every Christian to read, well ... hmm.
There aren't any that I think every Christian absolutely must read, but some I recommend for women are Girl Defined by Kristen Clark & Bethany Baird and Answering the Guy Questions by Leslie Ludy.
Men and women: The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a really good one.

6. What is your favorite way to rest and de-stress?

Take a leisure walk outside (if it's warm). Snuggle up with a book and a snack. Talk, talk, talk - talk out all my emotions, and problems, and thoughts! Haha! Put on some worship music, read Psalms, watch short, inspiring videos from Christian speakers.
(from Pixabay.com)

7. Was there a time in your life that God answered a prayer in a really amazing way (share the story!)?

Yes! The story above (from the first question) is an example of an unspoken (or maybe even spoken, I don't remember) prayer.

I've also had times where God has brought me smoothly through situations that my anxious, un-trusting, controlling self thought I couldn't possibly get through okay.

Another special example is when I'd been praying for someone I cared about - that they would come to know the Lord/have a deeper relationship with Him. When I got the news that the person's life had suddenly taken a turn and they were seeking God, tears came to my eyes! For one, I had the assurance that this person was now forever my family and I would see them in heaven! And also, it's just a reassuring, beautiful moment when you realize God answered your prayer.

These are the moments to remember and cherish in hard times!

8. What is one childhood hobby that you wish you’d kept pursuing?

Ballet! I love dance. Especially ballet, because it's so graceful, elegant, and emotional - it can even be worshipful! I've watched women do ballet in worship of God, and it is a stunning and moving experience.

Dance speaks. ^_^

I did three years of ballet when I was younger.
(from Pixabay.com)

9. What is one childhood hobby that you’re really glad you stopped pursuing?

Um ... I don't really know?? Haha. Can't think of something specific.

10. What is your favorite hymn?

Blessed Assurance. Be Thou My Vision.

11. What books do you really want to read this summer?

Waking Rose by Regina Doman (re-read). Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson (re-read). Fearless by Cheri Fuller. Wonderland by Emory R. Frie. Fallen Star by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. Unraveling by Sara Ella. Sandy Toes by Robin Jones Gunn. Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal. When Tides Turn by Sarah Sundin.


I Tag:

Deborah O'Carroll @ The Page Dreamer
Rebekah @ Rebekah Ashleigh

Questions (I'm going to use most of Grace's questions):

1. What would you say is the hardest season that God has brought you through so far? Looking back, what did He teach you through that season?

2. What's one book/verse from the Bible that has inspired you lately?

3. Do you prefer tea or coffee? And what kind (black or with cream and sugar, herbal tea, lattes, etc.)?

4. What is one sermon/talk that you think every Christian should listen to?

5. What is one (or more) book that you think every Christian should read?

6. What is your favorite way to relax and de-stress?

7. Was there a time in your life that God answered a prayer in a really amazing way (share the story!)?

8. What is one childhood hobby that you wish you’d kept pursuing?

9. What do you dislike most - spiders or snakes?

10. What is your favorite hymn?

11. What books do you really want to read this summer?


  1. #1 is such a lovely story. <3

    Ooh, I hope to read Fallen Star this summer for a readalong on the Goldstone Wood Goodreads group! :D I JUST read Moonblood AND IT WAS AMAZING AAAHH! ^_^ I can't wait to read the short story. :D

    Paper Crowns is SO GOOD! *collapses* That, The Lord of the Rings, and Howl's Moving Castle would be my top three books for a desert island. :D (After the Bible, of course. ;))

    I'm going to answer one question right now: SNAKES. Snakes are awful. I'm usually more likely to run into spiders, so in that sense they're a more present dislike, but snakes are just--ugh. :P I hate them and have nightmares about them and yeah, nope, no snakes. XD

    Thanks for tagging me, darling! *hugs*

    1. Thank you, Deborah. <3 It's definitely one of those memories (though a hard one) that I remember and cherish, for the knowledge that my Lord is taking care of me. As He does all of us! ^_^

      SO EXCITING! I'm thrilled that you're reading through the "Tales of Goldstone Wood"! That series ... *huggles it* One of my very favorite-est. I hope you enjoy Fallen Star, and I hope I enjoy it as well! :D I have it on my kindle, so I'm just waiting for the right time to settle down and read it.

      It sounds good!! Like such a fun, intriguing, and whimsical tale! I really hope I can find myself a copy sometime. Those sound like good books for the desert island! ;D I need to get my hands on a copy of "The Lord of the Rings" too! Though I am intimidated at the thought of starting such a old and famous series ...

      Snakes are pretty bad. I've never been terrified (my mom's more like that), but they certainly give me the shivers! So ugly and awful and creepy! :p But spiders, on the other hand, terrify me. I had a big brown recluse crawling DOWN MY LEG the other day, and it about scared the life out of me. I'm not one to scream, but I squeaked and flailed and hightailed out of the room. My brother eliminated the beast, but just yesterday, I saw another BIG one crawling beneath my feet and scurry under my bed! O.o That one we managed to vacuum up, but oh - *is trying not to have a breakdown*

      *AHEM*. That all aside. You're welcome, my dear! *returns hug* I greatly look forward to reading your post if you get the chance to do it! :))

  2. Thanks for tagging me, Shantelle! :) I hope to do it fairly soon.
    I’m hoping to read “When Tides Turn” this summer too. I hope you like “Sandy Toes”!!! I read it back in January and it was really good. Just yesterday I started book 2, “Salty Kisses”. :D

    1. You're very welcome, Rebekah! :) I'm excited to read your post!

      Hopefully we both get to it! Sarah Sundin's books are sooo good. Eep! You read Sandy Toes? I hope I enjoy it too! I loved "The Married Years", and so looking forward to these new books! Yay for Christy and Todd! <333

    2. I'm excited to do it! :D

      Yes, hopefully we do! Her books really are good. Yes, I did read it! It was great!! I loved "The Married Years" too. After the way "One More Wish" ended I was so happy to find out about "The Baby Years"! =)

    3. Yay! :D

      Me too! Such a hopeful and exciting ending to "The Married Years"! It's so cool that Robin Jones Gunn has continued the story of Christy and Todd's life into their "family years"! <33333

  3. Thank you for tagging me! :)

    Your little story about anxiety/depression almost made me cry. It reminds me so much of my own time of depression and anxiety! But maybe I can share that in my own tag! :)

    1. You're welcome, Emily! :)

      Aww ... *hugs* I hope you're doing okay right now - God is holding you! :) Looking forward to reading your story! <3

  4. I just seen this and that you tagged me! I will try and get at it! :D

    1. Eek, I meant to let you know, haha! Glad you found it and looking forward to reading your post! :D

  5. I love how this blog post encourages reflection and sharing of personal experiences.
