Thursday, September 11, 2014

Goals and Gifts from God

I decided to do a post today about Goals and Gifts from God. I think often we don't stop to remember all the gifts and blessings God has bestowed on us (even in the hard times), and the goals He has planted on our hearts to accomplish.
So here's my remembrance, my list. I'll do a gift, then goal, then gift... and so on, until I reach 20 total.

1) I'm thankful for my Dad, Mom, four sisters, and three brothers. We don't always get along perfectly, (ha!), but I love them all very much!

2) It's long been my goal to publish Silver Rose, my allegorical fantasy that started on a whim and finished at a word count of 189,488. When I read it over... I feel my heart want to be closer to God's, and I dearly hope it will do the same for other readers!

3) I've realized more and more... while on vacations, leaving behind, and meeting again, what wonderful grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins I have; and I'm ever thankful for them all!

4) The Bible tells us to become more like Jesus. Gentle, kind, forgiving, selfless... I have a goal to be more attentive to the hurting people around me; to have a sincere smile and encouraging word ready. To be a friend. Who knows who needs you? Be Jesus' hands and feet on this earth.

5) I'm thankful to all the wonderful authors who have penned such amazing books! Among some of them are C.S. Lewis, Anne Elisabeth Stengl, Jaye L. Knight, Laura Frantz, Karen Witemeyer, Nicole Sager, and Lisa Tawn Bergren... But there are many more of course that I didn't name! :) Thank you for writing books that both warm the heart and touch the soul.

6) A recent goal of mine is to write a dystopian novel that will thrill minds but also bring across the message of hope and a loving God loud and clear. I'm not sure how far this one will go... but if God wills it, it'll come about! :)
7) I risk sounding like an electronic freak --as certain people might say in my house, ;) -- but I'm thankful for my laptop, cellphone, and the kindle I just won. They can all be quite helpful, especially the laptop for undisturbed writing and whatnot! But I don't intend to get "obsessed" with any of them! :p

8) A goal of mine is to become less self-conscious. Because its silly really, in the light of things; and I would like to live joyfully, freely, and zealously!

9) I'm thankful for my friend who is getting married soon. She is such an encouragement to me, an inspiration, really! :) And I'm ever so honored and excited to stand in her wedding!! :) :)

10) Speaking of marriage, I would one day like to be a godly wife/helpmeet/confidant to some man whom God would choose for me. And raise a passel of children to love and serve my Lord.

11) I'm SO thankful for the non-busy road by my family's rental house. Long walks refresh and renew my spirit.

12) It's definitely my goal to loose all the worry, fears, and stress that badger me constantly. I know this goal is quite God-inspired... "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" Luke 12:25 "Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged..." Joshua 10:25

13) Every day is a gift. I'm thankful for the life God has given me, and the direction I know He has for me.

14) It's my goal to rely on God fully, so that when I'm afraid, hurt, betrayed, it won't send me running off the edge, but rather running into His arms. People can't always be there for us, can't always give us exactly what we need... that's why we have our Heavenly Father.

15) I'm thankful for blogs and all the wonderful writers and readers I've met online! It's so much fun, and you guys have encouraged me greatly! :)

16) Well, my goal is to read my Bible more. I have a daily devotional, but often its rushed, and sometimes I skip a day. I know reading the words of God is important in order to know Him more!

17) I'm thankful for feminine maxi dresses and cute heels that make me feel like such a lady, :)

18) I would definitely like to be more healthy, exercise more, make sure I'm taking care of my temple (body) the best I can!

19) I'm so thankful for Louie Giglio and the amazing videos he's put together. Indescribable and How Great is our God have both brought me to tears... and when I watch them, I sit in awe, first at how big and mighty God really is... then, on the flip side, how very, very much He loves me. It's incredible really.

20) I could sum it up... to know my Savior more, to write for His glory and thus help others, to live joyously and with much zeal! :) :)

And now, to all my lovely readers who have blogs, I would challenge you to find 10 things you're thankful for, and ten goals, and post them on your blog! Well, not challenge. But if you want to, I would love to read yours! :)
It definitely helps open my eyes to how blessed I am... and rejuvenates me. God is good! And faithful. How wonderful that we have Him to lean on.

(All images found on pinterest)


  1. Very inspiring!! Your list is so revealing about who you are ... such a sweet, genuine person! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Your welcome! :)
    Aw... thanks! It's truly honoring that you would see me as such; that's who I strive to be for sure!! :)
